Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What Does God Want Preached?...

What a great question. Does God want us to talk about a fluffy feel good message or does He want the truth preached?

The post I'm putting up today is from a devotional written by another disciple and ordained minister name Rev. Russ & there is a subscription link at the end. I encourage all of you to subscribe and even support the endeavors God has placed in Rev. Russ's hands. The way he writes and formats the message is capturing.

As always please respond to what you read here. We are interested in hearing your thoughts of what you have read.

A Fellow Christian Sojourner and One More Disciple of the Christ, Jesus



Daily Meditation

"A high-tech way to deliver God's Word."

What’s Going On?

2 Tim 3:1-5 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

Yesterday I watched the news, and observed house after house be engulfed in flames, and within a few minutes, there was nothing but chimneys and other stone parts left standing.

"At least 13 fires blazed throughout the region, where thousands of firefighters struggled to contain flames that have reduced some 650 homes and 100 businesses to charred rubble, officials and reports said." One firefighter said yesterday, "If at least 2000 homes are not destroyed, I will be surprised."

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Heavy rain swamped New Orleans' streets Thursday, backing up traffic as pumping stations struggled to keep up.

"Unbelievable," said Pamela Borne, who waded in knee-high water with her daughter on her back to get to her house. "It's very disappointing, that just with an overnight rain of this magnitude, that the city is so ill-prepared."

And here in Georgia, our Governor said, "Drought is a natural disaster, and we are experiencing the single worst drought in Georgia's history."

And a few days ago in San Francisco, two homosexuals, dressed in outlandish garb, walked to the front of a church, to be served communion, as a mockery to God.

Now, what does that last paragraph have to do with what I’ve written before it? Have we forgotten what happened to "Sodom and Gomorrah?" "And the Lord said, "Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave, I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know.""(Gen 18:20,21)

"Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens. So He overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground."(Gen 19:24,25)

Billy Graham said, "If God doesn’t judge the United States of America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!" Now, I don’t claim to know what God is doing, but I do know He won’t stand by forever and do nothing, as we kick Him out of our schools, our Court Houses, public buildings and parks, and mock Him publicly and even inside our churches, as homosexuals are ordained to the ministry.

Is it possible that God allowed the horrific acts on 9/11, as a warning to us? How quickly we forgot! Is God going to have to completely destroy America, before we come to our senses?

Lest we have forgot, God said of Himself, "I am the Lord, I do not change!"(Mal 3:6) What was an "abomination" to Him then, "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination."(Lev 18:22) is still an "abomination" to Him now!

But that’s just one, of a multitude of sins that are bringing judgement upon America! We’ve become a Nation of "more," "bigger," more "sensual," and less "work." I must give credit to the advertising agencies; they know what people want to see. So they use "short skirts," bare "bosoms," the "fastest car," the most "horse-power" and the "coolest hunk" to grab their attention.

If there’s something that is in direct contradiction to God’s Word, it will be front and center! It seems as our churches are in competition to see who has the softest seats, the latest in electronic equipment, sing the most worldly-sounding songs, dress the sloppiest, attract the latest celebrity and seat the most people. (I’m sure not writing to gain popularity, Smile)

I watched, for the second time in months, as a pastor of what I believe is America’s largest church, was interviewed on TV. One of the questions put to him, as did another famous interviewer, was, "Why don’t you use the Scripture more?" He awkwardly attempted to explain the he "kind of weaves it into his motivational talks." Oh, I’m sorry, I meant to write, "sermons." (Smile)

Apparently he, like advertising agencies, understands what people want to hear. But the question is, "Is that what God wants preached to a lost and dying Nation?" Where are the sermons/motivational-talks about the sins that God calls an "abomination?" Where are the messages that lead directly to the foot of the cross, and salvation?

No, I’m not just picking on just one pastor, but on multitudes of other Christians, who would rather talk about what is popular, than stand up for what is right.

I need your help my friend! I can only write the Daily Meditations; it’s you who must finance them, send them to the unsaved, as well as your friends, print them and take them to work, and any other means that you have to warn the lost and dying.

Are you going to attempt to avoid "ruffling any feathers?" Are you going to just say what is "politically correct?" Are you going to stand by and watch, as our great Nation is destroyed, or will you do your part?

Think about it!

If you have a friend or loved one, who you believe would enjoy these "Daily Meditations," please instruct them to mail me at: with "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.


JoAnne said...

I went and subscribed because Rev. Russ is speaking my thoughts and my prayers. I certainly want to hear more from him!

Unknown said...


I really like the topic of today. Fits right in, with what is going on out there. How true, how true. Being a new Christian I am taking my time and absorbing as much as I can, and I Thank God for people like You, Bonnie and Dove who are there to help guide me through. Awesome site, Best Wishes with it. I for one am going to forward it to some friends & family members.

God Bless
C. O'Brien

SCIA said...


Love the post!!

"Motivational talks": That is all I heard in the church I left just recently.

All this church talked about was how to get along with others, love one another, and brush yourself off when you sin and start again.

There is NO focus on SIN or any abominations. I felt so spiritually parched every time I left mass on Sundays. I could not stand it. So now, I go with my wife to this church on Sundays, because she does not want to change churches, and then I go to my new church which fills the parched void.

It seems to work out, But I just wish my wife would join me and understand that she needs to grow spriritually and not hear Red Sox jokes all the time before and after a sermon.

Good job,


OMD said...

You will find that Rev. Russ speaks clearly and pulls no punches. I am glad you subscribed.


OMD said...

What a shout was heard in heaven when you turned to Jesus! There was all manner of celebration among the heavenly hosts as another joint heir with Jesus was found. You have become a new creature and all sin has been not only forgiven but FORGOTTEN by God.

Praise God, we have a new sister among us. If I can be of help just let me know.


OMD said...

Hey Scia,

There are so many churches out there that are afraid to be salt & light to the world. We'll just pray for you and your wife and eventually God will set her desire to be where you find spiritual renewal. Just be patient.

The devil will try and drives wedges between husbands & wives sometimes. He is a destroyer.

There is this belief that God will not hold us accountable. What a surprise people are in for. I know just agree with folks who say all roads lead to God. That's true but those folks that enter without Jesus leading may be a little surprised, won't they?


Bonnie Hendricks said...

I'm going to subsribe too, OMD, he calls a space a spade and doesn't try to just tickle people's ears with what they want to hear. In early Bible times, they killed all of the prophets, even sawing Isaiah in half because they didn't like what he prophecied to them. But its what people need to hear! Jesus is coming! We can see the signs all around us.

Great blog, great job, keep on keeping on for Jesus!
God Bless