From One More Disciple Ministries we wish all our readers Christmas cheer and the peace that surpasses all understanding, which is only received through our Lord, our God, our Risen Savior... Jesus, the Christ ~ "Abba, Father we are awed by the knowledge that you would walk among us in the person of Jesus, the Christ. Father we thank you for the greatest gift ever received and we give ourselves back to you. Each one of us being one more disciple of yours. We ask for wisdom, guidance and faith to enable us to reach those who are lost and seeking for Your word and Son. Thank you Father and we ask all these things in Jesus name." Amen
Today's post comes from Charles Colson's BREAKPOINT Commentaries. ~ Enjoy
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It's Not about the Manger
By Chuck Colson
What image does the mention of Christmas typically conjure up?
For most of us, it is a babe lying in a manger while Mary and Joseph, angels, and assorted animals look on. Heartwarming picture, but Christmas is about far more than a Child’s birth—even the Savior’s birth.
It is about the Incarnation: God Himself, Creator of heaven and earth, invading planet earth, becoming flesh and dwelling among us.
It is a staggering thought. Think of it: The Word—that is, Logos in the Greek, which meant all the knowledge that could be known—the plan of creation—that is, ultimate reality—becomes mere man? And that He was not born of an earthly king and queen, but of a virgin of a backwater village named Nazareth? Certainly God delights in confounding worldly wisdom—and human expectations.
Thirty years after His humble birth, Jesus increased the Jews’ befuddlement when He read from the prophet Isaiah in the synagogue at Nazareth: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor . . . to proclaim release to the captives . . . to set free those who are downtrodden . . . ” Jesus then turned the scroll back and announced: “Today, this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
In effect, the carpenter’s Son had just announced that He was the King.
So, yes, the birth of Jesus is a glorious moment, and the manger scene brings comfort and joy and Christmas cheer. But it should also inspire a holy terror in us: that this baby is God incarnate, the King who came to set the captives free—through His violent, bloody death on the cross as atonement for us, His unworthy subjects.
It is through the Incarnation God sets His grand plan in motion. He invades planet earth, establishing His reign through Christ’s earthly ministry. And then Christ leaves behind an occupying force, His Church, which is to carry on the work of redemption until His return and the kingdom’s final triumph.
Do we get this? I am afraid most of us are so preoccupied, distracted by last-minute Christmas shopping and consumerism, that we fail to see God’s cosmic plan of redemption in which we, as fallen creatures, are directly involved.
The average Christian may not “get” this announcement, but those locked behind bars do. Whenever I preach in the prisons, and I read Christ’s inaugural sermon, Luke 4:18, and when I quote His promise of freedom for prisoners, they often raise their arms and cheer. The message of Jesus means freedom and victory for those who once had no hope. They are not distracted by the encumbrance of wealth and comfort.
People in the developing world get it, too. Whenever I have shared this message with the poor and oppressed people overseas, I see eyes brightening. Stripped of all material blessings, exploited by earthly powers, they long for the bold new kingdom of Christ.
Today is Christmas: Go ahead and enjoy singing about, and celebrating, the birth of the Savior. Set up a manger scene in your home. But do not forget this earth-shaking truth: The birth of the Baby in the manger was the thrilling signal that God had invaded the planet. And that gives us the real reason to celebrate Christmas.
For all of the staff of BreakPoint, this is Chuck Colson, in Washington, wishing you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas.
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For Further Reading and Information
Anne Morse, “No Room in the Inn,” The Point, 10 December 2007.
Catherine Claire, “RE: Unplugging Christmas,” The Point, 26 November 2007.
T. M. Moore, “The Jesus We Preach at Christmas,” Worldview Church, December 2004.
T. M. Moore, “Violent Night, Holy Night: Christ's Opening Salvo,” BreakPoint WorldView, December 2005.
Michael Snyder, “Holy Invasion,” BreakPoint WorldView, December 2003.
Catherina Hurlburt, “The Forgotten Mother,” BreakPoint WorldView, May 2004.
BreakPoint Commentary No. 041224, “Telling the Whole Truth: The Jesus We Preach at Christmas.”
BreakPoint Commentary No. 041214, “The Naked Baby: A Postal Service Controversy.”
BreakPoint Commentary No. 061225, “All We Like Shepherds: The Hard Truth about Christmas.”
BreakPoint Commentary No. 051223, “The Truest Thing in the World: The Cry of a Tiny Babe.”
BreakPoint Commentary No. 031224, “The Most Shocking Story Ever Told: The ‘True Meaning of Christmas’.”
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