As the U.S. braces for another round of hate crimes legislation this spring, our northern neighbors are already engaged in an all-out battle over free speech.
The latest victim is popular author and columnist Mark Steyn, who wrote the best-seller America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It.
Although the book was published by an American company, excerpts that later appeared in the Canadian press have become the subject of investigation by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC). The book, which contrasts Islamic values with those of the West, was considered "a misrepresentation" of the Muslim religion by the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC).
As a result of CIC's complaint, Steyn finds himself at the center of a controversial debate over the limits of public expression. Using charges of "discrimination" as a means of silencing opposition, the CHRC's investigation jeopardizes freedom in all of North America.
During an interview with The Washington Times, Steyn said, "Offense is in the eye of the beholder. The commissions aren't weighing facts but hurt feelings."
Ironically, when Christians or conservatives object to similar treatment, they usually find themselves on the losing side of the argument, or worse, completely overlooked.
Unfortunately, this is just a preview of things to come if the U.S. House is successful when the battle over new federal hate crimes resumes. As Mark Steyn can attest, nothing less than our first freedoms are at stake.
FRC Action: 801 G Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
P: 202/393-2100 or 888/372-2284
Well, we're back! Have had this bug that's going around since Christmas. This is the first day I've felt remotely normal since Christmas Day. I gleaned the article above from the FRCActionUpdate (Family Research Council).
As disciple's of the Christ we have been transformed from being "of the world" into simply being "in the world." Our primary responsibility is to be Ambassadors of God. We are to bring His message of Hope, Love, Grace, Forgiveness & Truth to a world desperately in need of Him, through Jesus.
Hate speech?? Who determines when someone speaks hatefully? It seems whoever cries foul!!
Does disagreeing with a position constitute hate? Seems that way.
Does making objective comparisons constitute hate? Apparently.
We already know that speaking or teaching from the Bible is considered hate by many. What other things can each of you think of that could be constituted as hate speech?
What are we as citizens do? Just stand idly by and look the other way? That's how we got into this mess!
Although we may be only "in this world" God tells us that we are to participate, to stand firm, to speak up.
Although we may be only "in this world" God tells us that we are to participate, to stand firm, to speak up.
The verb... Hate - Dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards.
The noun... Hate - The emotion of hate; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action.
It seems to me that the purveyors of hate are those that have hijacked the word "tolerance." Tolerance never meant you couldn't speak up on an issue in the arena of thought and ideas. Now it means if you disagree then you are intolerant and hate(v). So the objecting party's "hate"(n) now takes action based from an EMOTION. Rational thought is disallowed, it appears.
So remember, we "IN" the world, acting as ambassadors of God, are to bring "the truth" of God's word to the people "OF" the world and we should not be surprised when the world acts or reacts with negativity which is will be based on "emotion", instead of rationality, to the words and truths of God.
In Isaiah 55:8 God declares ~ "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
Jesus also taught about a Disciples' relation to the world in John 15: 18-19 ~ 18 "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 "If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." See, we have been chosen and we are to seek for the others that are chosen but don't know it.
My prayer for 2008 is, we that are in the world will become emboldened to present the hope of the Word of God to a drowning world. Let's stand strong and firm. We need not attack nor retreat BUT just Stand Firm. Let me know what your thoughts are.
A Fellow Christian Sojourner and One More Disciple of the Christ, Jesus
Great post OMD.
My prayer for 2008 is that the Word of Christ will resonate on all those who seek it.
Take the walk and see where it takes you. Take up a challenge and see what His Word will do for you.
God bless,
I agree, OMD, great post, and oh, so true! The reverse is also true a sense. While I don't hate the world in any way, I find myself less and less interested in the things of the world. I'm even very selective about what TV programs I watch. The world holds no lure for me, only that souls be saved. I can look back at my life since I met the Lord (in 1975) and see more and more "things" that no longer hold my interest in any way. Its amazing, truly, what the Spirit of God can do in one's life. He's really all I want, He is my reward. I'm eternally thankful that my children are all saved, also grandchildren, God is so faithful. In the meantime, I am praying daily for the unsaved people I know and don't know. I don't think we have much time left.
God Bless
That's a great prayer to pray Scia. I think the issue behind the issue is that no one actually seeks God until they are in a position of such circumstance they have no where else to turn. It's then that we see the deal making or surrender.
Of course God judges the heart and knows who truely have invited Him into their heart.
Thank you Bonnie.
You are correct. Many mistakenly think Christians hate the world and it's people. What they don't seem to understand is that what we hate is the sin. We hate it in our own lives and we hate it on display in others.
Yes, it is amazing what God can do in a person's life. It is on His and only His terms. I can tell you that the following Jesus has been the most difficult yet rewarding event in my life.
Anyone out there... if you haven't invited Jesus into your heart & life try it... I'm sure you will be glad you did.
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